There’s no getting away from the fact that porn addiction is a real and growing problem. Not that it comes as a huge surprise, given how more than 40 million Americans say they regularly view pornography. Most of whom have no intention to quit viewing porn, content that their habits are not adversely affecting their lifestyles.
But when the amount of time a person spends watching porn becomes problematic, it could be indicative of online porn addiction. Like all behavioral addictions, addiction to pornography can be surprisingly difficult to overcome.
Incredibly, estimated, anything from 3% to 6% of those who watch porn regularly has an addiction. Far from a harmless habit, addiction to pornography is considered a serious mental health disorder, with the potential to harm a person’s physical health, sexual health, and social relationships.
As with all mental health conditions, treatment of porn addiction begins with identifying and acknowledging the issue. Only then can appropriate treatment options be considered for the benefit of the individual affected.
What is Porn Addiction?
Addiction and its effects always differ significantly from one person to the next. It includes all types of behavioral disorders, substance use disorders, compulsion disorders, and addictive behaviors in general.
Porn addiction is characterized by the obsessive compulsion to watch porn to the extent that it becomes harmful, with the inability for the person affected to overcome the issue themselves. It could be that they watch porn too often, watch pornography at inappropriate times, or become anxious and stressed when they do not have access to porn.
The excessive use of pornography has been shown to have a detrimental effect on a person’s ability to maintain healthy relationships. It can give a person an unrealistic view of real-world sex or make it impossible for them to achieve sexual satisfaction through real-world sexual encounters.
Ultimately, it can have a devastating effect on the physical and psychological health of the person affected, along with their loved ones. The signs and symptoms of porn addiction must, therefore, not be overlooked or assumed less serious than they, in fact, are.
How to Know If you have Porn Addiction?
Drawing the line between a healthy porn habit and a dangerous addiction. It is because consumption habits differ significantly from one person to the next. As does the way in which any given person responds to the pornography they watch and how they conduct themselves in the real world.
Health professionals, in general, believe that pornography in its own right is not harmful. But when a person begins showing any of the following signs or symptoms, their relationship with porn may have become unhealthy:
- A sex life that becomes increasingly less satisfying
- Consumption of pornography leads to issues with romantic relationships
- Excessive pornography consumption that interferes with other responsibilities
- The inability to get aroused without watching increasingly extreme porn
- Feelings of shame and guilt due to a compulsive porn habit
- Unsuccessful attempts to cut down or quit watching porn
- Spending excessive sums of money on porn that brings no real pleasure
- Feelings of anxiety, stress, or sadness when denied access to porn
In all instances, it is essential to discuss any concerns you may have with an appropriate professional at the earliest possible juncture. It is always easier to nip problems with addiction in the bud at an early stage them to allow them to escalate.
What Causes Porn Addiction?
The truth is, nobody really knows what causes porn addiction or for that matter, any other addiction. Extensive research has brought about the conclusion that some people are inherently more likely to develop addictions and compulsive behaviors than others. But there are also some specific triggers that could result in a person developing this kind of addiction.
For example:
Underlying mental health conditions:
Porn is often consumed as a form of escapism, where a person can set aside their psychological issues like anxiety and stress for a temporary period of time.
Relationship problems:
Issues with relationships and sexual dissatisfaction are common reasons why people watch porn. As is a lack of sexual activity among those not currently in relationships.
Low self-confidence:
Individuals who have major confidence issues and/or believe they are unattractive to found opposite sex to be far more likely to watch porn more often.
Biological causes:
Some studies have also suggested that some biological factors, including brain chemistry, can influence a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction to porn.
Though again, experts are still unsure why it is that some people are more likely to fall victim to addictions in general than others.
Effects of Porn Addiction
Addiction to pornography can have a detrimental impact on a person’s life in a variety of ways. It can have wide-reaching physical, psychological, and social implications – each taking a toll on their health and wellbeing.
For example:
Physical Implications
- Impotence or erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Inability to become aroused
- Problems with stamina or performance
Psychological Implications
- Feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment
- Preoccupation constantly thinking about porn
- Inability to focus on other important matters
- A heightened risk of anxiety or depression
- The tendency towards other impulsive behaviors
Social Implications
- Inability to build or maintain healthy relationships
- Lack of desire to seek sex in the real world
- A disproportionate focus on sex over romance
- Emotional detachment and this interest
- Growing need for dominance or aggression
- Tendency to get into awkward situations
Just a few of the wide-reaching implications of porn addiction, highlighting the importance of taking early action.
Solutions for Porn Addiction
Identifying the root cause of porn addiction can be difficult or impossible. Nevertheless, there are proactive steps that can be taken to rectify its potential implications and bring compulsive behaviors back under control.
Examples of which include the following:
For Physical Issues: Try VigRX Plus
Physical performance issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and impotence can be brought under control with natural supplements. One example of which is VigRX Plus – one of the only FDA-approved and expert-recommended supplements of its kind.
“In a clinical study, VigRX Plus increased ability to maintain an erection by 62.82%. Overall, sex drive went up by 47%, and the men who took part in the study reported an average 71.43% increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction” – impressive claims from the manufacturer of VigRX Plus.
Where issues with porn consumption are attributed simply to dissatisfaction with personal performance or physical capabilities, there’s much that can be done to turn things around. Check out our in-depth VigRX Plus review to find out exactly how this unique male sexual health supplement works.
For Psychological Issues
Psychological issues triggering addictive behaviors should always be brought to the attention of a suitably qualified professional. There are various forms of therapy and counseling that can be provided, which have proved effective in combating a wide variety of addictions.
Examples of these include individual therapy, group-based therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, mindfulness-based therapy, and simple conversations with an experienced counselor. Therapy is not about saying, “Here’s what’s wrong and here’s how to fix it,” but more empowering people to acknowledge, confront, and ultimately overcome obstacles in their lives.
All of which can hold the key to moving on from addiction to enjoy a better quality of life.
For Social Issues
The truth is, tackle the physical and psychological side of porn addiction and the social issues take care of themselves. When dealing with psychological health conditions of any kind, it is important to be honest, and open with those closest to you.
It may take time and effort to rebuild connections and to compensate for any damage done in the interim. But you may find that simply by acknowledging you need help and taking proactive steps to bring things under control, you’ll automatically gain the support and, indeed, the respect of your loved ones.
How to Stop Porn Addiction?
As for the most effective steps you can take right now to bring a potential porn problem under control, each of the following comes highly recommended:
- Delete bookmarks from your browsers and close all paid porn accounts
- Remove any porn you have downloaded from your hard drives
- Consider installing anti-porn software and have someone else set the password
- Keep a journal of how often you view porn and for how long
- When you feel compelled to watch porn, take a brisk walk outdoors
- Try to avoid becoming bored, stressed, angry or agitated at all costs
- Set out a plan to wean yourself away from porn gradually
- Seek help and advice online from forums and support groups
Importantly – don’t let the occasional slipup discourage or demotivate you.
Final Thoughts
To underestimate the potential implications of porn addiction is to make the biggest mistake of all. Again, the importance of nipping problems lies in the bud at the earliest possible stage warrants emphasizing. Porn addiction is a real and growing problem, affecting millions of men and women of all ages worldwide.
The most important step in treating an addiction is admitting it exists in the first place. But as this can also be the most difficult step, it may call for outside help and support. Always remember that asking for is not a sign of weakness but an indication of courage, strength, and pride.
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