Do testosterone boosters work? A lot of men don’t know if testosterone boosters can actually help them or not. Many men take these boosters or test boosters, hoping that these will help them boost their tes-tosterone levels.
Such test boosters include supplements and medications which aim to increase the testosterone levels in the body. This, in turn, would help men experience the amplified ef-fects of testosterone.
They have quite mixed reviews. Certain people believe that these boosters are beneficial. Though low testosterone levels can cause some symptoms, even increasing this hormone is not free of risks. If you have doubts about such test boosters, you are in the right place. We will give you a com-prehensive answer to your question.
What Is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a sex hormone or androgen hormone that enhances the development of typical masculine characteristics. These characteristics include muscle growth, deep voice, facial hair, and so on. Though it’s the principal man sex hormone, it is also present at lower levels in females. Testoste-rone plays a role in multiple aspects of the human body, like:
- Bone density
- Muscle mass
- Penis and testicle growth in men
- Libido or sex drive or increase sexual function
- Reproductive tissue health in women
- Hair growth as well as distribution
The normal testosterone levels in males fluctuate a lot because of many factors like age. Accord-ing to the American Urological Association, a male is said to have testosterone deficiency if their testosterone levels are below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).
The average testosterone range is usually around 264916 ng/dL, according to a study by JCEM in males aged between 19 to 39. Hypogonadism or low testosterone can happen because of taking certain medications, an underlying medical issue, or an injury to the testes.
A person with testosterone deficiency can improve their testosterone levels with the help of testosterone replacement therapy. TRT or androgen replacement therapy is a medical treat-ment that elevates androgen hormone levels. Its function is to replace the testosterone that the body is unable to produce.
Testosterone Boosters
So how do testosterone boosters work? Well, these boosters are supplementary substances. A testosterone booster is an umbrella term given to various supplements or medicines to increase testosterone levels in a man’s body.
With this increase, a male can experience the amplified effects of testosterone in his body. There are different kinds of testosterone boosters, such as TRT, as mentioned above. TRT also includes transdermal testosterone, oral testosterone capsules, or injectable testosterone. Apart from TRT, a person can also opt for supplements.
There are many testosterone boosting supplements in the market, such as Dehydroepiandroste-rone and D-aspartic acid.
Types of Testosterone Boosters
In this section, we will discuss the different types of testosterone boosters in detail. As we men-tioned, there are various types of TRT. These are:
Testosterone Injections
Certain testosterone injects like testosterone undecanoate (Aveed) or testosterone cypionate (De-po-Testosterone) have testosterone esters that are suspended in oil. Esters are a kind of biological compound. A patient takes such a form of testosterone by injecting the solution into their buttocks. They can administer these injections every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the need.
Testosterone Gels or Creams
Testosterone gels and creams are transdermal testosterone that can be in the form of gels or An-droGel and medicated patches or Androderm. You get testosterone gel at concentration levels of 1% and 1.62%. With the 1% formulation, a person must apply 50 mg once a day, right in the morning. The dosage, of course, depends on the requirement of the patient.
On the other hand, Androderm patched are available in four different strengths: 2 mg, 2.5 mg, 4 mg, or 5 mg of testosterone. The starting dose should be pm 4 mg patch every 24 hours. A pa-tient must put these patches to dry, clean skin on the thighs, back, upper arms, and abdomen. Both these transdermal testosterone help to boost testosterone levels in a person with testoste-rone deficiency.
Testosterone Capsules
To enhance your sex drive and increasing testosterone levels, one of the best testosterone cap-sules in the market is Vigrx Plus pills. These pills contain natural ingredients that are efficient in increasing testosterone levels. You won’t need to worry about harmful chemicals because of their complete natural build.
Vigrx Plus pills are quite effective in treating low testosterone levels that may arise because of underlying medical conditions. Thus, with such pills, you can hope to get a better sex life and a good testosterone boost. To know more about Vigrx Plus Pills, you can read our in-depth Vigrx plus review.
Testosterone Supplements
Certain testosterone boosting supplements are also available in the market. These help in increas-ing the testosterone levels a person’s body produces. Such supplements are quite popular, and a lot of men turn to them when they face low-testosterone issues. They are:
DHEA is a steroid hormone. It originates from the adrenal glands. DHEA happens to be a pre-cursor hormone with minimal effects until the body modifies into other hormones, like testoste-rone or estrogen. DHEA is a famous ingredient in testosterone supplements because of its effects.
D-Aspartic Acid
D-aspartic acid is an amino acid that contributes significantly to making and releasing different kinds of hormones, including testosterone. DAA influences the hypothalamus, thereby triggering a boost of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). With the help of GnRH, the pituitary gland produces luteinizing hormone (LH), which boosts testosterone production.
Why Someone Need Testosterone Boosters?
Testosterone Boosters can come to use for multiple reasons. A person might need them for:
- Building muscle mass
- For bodybuilding
- Treatment of primary hypogonadism
- Improvement of mood
- Enhancing sex drive
- Boost sexual performance
- To feel younger
Causes of Low Testosterone
Your testosterone levels can go low because of multiple reasons. The body’s hormone production rate decreases naturally with age. According to a study in 2016, researchers found the testos-terone and DHA levels to be around 271 from males aged 40-70. It was also deducted that testosterone levels tool a dip of 1.28% and DHEA of 3.52% with each passing year.
The following factors can cause low androgen hormone levels:
- Hypothyroidism
- Obesity or being overweight
- Type 2 diabetes
- Pituitary gland disorders
- Undescended testicles
- Medical conditions like chemotherapy or opioid pain relievers
- Klinefelter syndrome and other kinds of genetic disorders
How Effective Are Testosterone Boosters?
Though it is effective in treating low testosterone to a level, TRT is not always successful in treating the underlying cause. Lifestyle changes and several other medications are mandatory to resolve hypogonadism.
A lot of research in this field has been done, and it has been deducted that test boosters contri-bute to mild improvement. Mostly, a lot of researches only show a limited increase in testosterone levels.
In a study in 2018, scientists experimented with seven trials in more than 700 elder males who had testosterone deficiency. These participants were administered with AndroGel 1% or place-bo for a year.
According to the results, testosterone treatment showed moderate improvements in bone density, sexual function, and red blood cell count. Moreover, there was also minor improvement observed in mood and depressive symptoms.
Benefits of Testosterone Boosters
These boosters can be quite beneficial in amplifying testosterone levels in males. Certain test boosters take a different route and block estrogen. Some benefits are:
- It can aid in problems of erectile dysfunction and can also help a man last longer. Thus, it en-hances sexual performance.
- Testosterone boosters are especially life-changing for people who have hypogonadism. It makes them feel upbeat and energetic.
- These boosters claim to decrease any heart disease and dementia-related risks. However, it is still recommended to get proper medical advice if you are prone to strokes and heart diseases.
- Men can experience a positive change in mood, bone density, sex drive, and muscle mass.
Side Effects of Testosterone Boosters
Every coin has two sides. There are consequences to taking test boosters. TRT can have the fol-lowing side effects:
- Sleep Apnea
- Acne
- Low Blood Sugar
- Fluid Retention
- Decreased Sperm Count
- Breast and prostate enlargement
- Reduced sperm count
- High levels of RBCs
TRT should be only administered if the person’s testosterone levels are lower than 300 ng/dL and symptoms of hypogonadism are visible.
Testosterone boost can literally change your life for the better if you suffer from testosterone deficiency. You can expect better sex life, a better mood, and better life altogether. Multiple testosterone boosters can help in boosting your androgen levels. Testosterone boosters are an umbrella term for medications and supplements.
Though there is limited evidence about whether or not test boosters help in the long run, you can take medical advice from your doctor to administer it. We hope reading this article gave you a clear picture of whether testosterone boosters really work or not. If it is something you are looking for, we’d recommend you to meet your doctor today!
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