Contrary to popular belief, many men go through a reduced sexual libido at least once in their life. A low sex drive in men is a lot more common than you might think. People all over the world go through phases of extremely low libido from time to time.
Studies show that there could be a plethora of causes that contribute to low libido in males. It could be anything from physical tension to psychological distress. So, if you are struggling with a low sex drive, know that you are not alone.
Additionally, research shows that there are easy ways to treat low libido in young men. However, first, you need to understand what a low libido is and its origins. Once you know what causes a drained sex drive, it will be much easier for you to treat it.
So, what is a low sex drive (low libido)? It is the lack of interest in any form of sexual activity. If you have always had a healthy sex drive, you know that it is not very challenging to get aroused in certain erotic situations. Arousal is easy, and you do not find yourself disinterested in sexual contact.
In case you have a low libido, this arousal does not come easily to you. It also entails that you do not find yourself interested in engaging in sexual activity. It would be best to remember that your libido is not always going to match your partner’s.
There will be times when your libido fluctuates and is not coinciding with your partner’s. However, if you have had chronic trouble with your sex drive, it is time you did something about it. Continue reading to find out everything there is to know about a low sex drive and how you can cure it!
You might think that low libido is easy to catch. However, it is not as evident as you might think. There are many hidden low sex drive symptoms shown by males. If you are prompt enough to catch them early, you can fix them in absolutely no time and help yourself revive your libido. Here are a few common signs exhibited by a man suffering from a male low sex drive.
- You feel very disinterested in sexual activity.
- Things that roused you in the past do not affect you anymore.
- You are not interested in masturbation.
- You find yourself concerned about your lack of sexual desires.
- You do not have sexual fantasies like you used to.
- You feel down or low when you think about your very low libido.
Causes of Low Sex Drive
A low sex drive could be caused by any external or internal factor in your life. From unregulated hormones to emotional trauma, anything could affect your libido. Mentioned below are a few prevalent causes of low sex drive experienced by men.
Psychological issues
One of the most common causes of low sex drive in males is psychological distress. If you have something on your mind that depresses you or stresses you out, it could affect the way you perform during intercourse. Here are a few psychological problems linked to low libido in males.
Stress hormones like cortisol are responsible for bringing down your sex drive. If you are under a ton of workload or have things bothering you, you might not perform well sexually.
If you feel anxious about sex, then every time you indulge in sexual conduct, you might experience a below-par sex drive. Anxiety can cripple you sexually and is responsible for low libido in a lot of men.
Relationship or Family Problems
Relationship problems with your partner could result in a low sex drive too. If you are not on good terms with your family or your partner, you will not enjoy sexual intercourse.
Depression generally makes you disinterested in doing the things you enjoyed. This could also affect your sex drive significantly. If you have recently been diagnosed with depression, you could experience your sex drive plummeting to new lows.
Mental Disorders
Many mental disorders that hamper your hormonal levels can also affect your sex drove extensively. It is advised that you consult with your doctor if you are experiencing any severe changes in your life, leading to extreme psychological and physical distress.
Medical problems
Many physical problems with your body can also end up affecting your sex drive. These medical issues are pervasive, but most people overlook them when concerned with their low libidos. So, be sure to factor these in too if you are struggling with a low sex drive.
Most men with diabetes experience deficient levels of testosterone in their bodies. Diabetes can suppress testosterone production, which can lead to a low libido and sex drive. Additionally, it is also speculated to cause ED or erectile dysfunction in men.
Obesity is directly associated with low libido in men. This is because many males with obesity experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. Moreover, obesity in men can also result in reduced fertility and low sperm count and mobility.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure in men could be a severe medical issue. It affects their sex drive in many ways. It is generally linked to decreased blood flow into the penis. This makes it difficult for men to get an erection and even keep it for too long.
Hormonal Causes
Your hormones are responsible for a low sex drive too. The male sex hormone, testosterone is majorly responsible for your sexual performance and interest. If your body fails to regulate this hormone by any chance, you will experience a shallow sex drive.
Testosterone levels can be affected by a large number of things. You can externally regulate your levels by changing your diet and exercising regularly. However, if you see no difference in your libido, you can consult with your doctor.
Often your body produces hormones that suppress sexual activity too. Your thyroid glands produce these hormones, and you must immediately visit your doctor in such cases. Moreover, you can take supplements to regulate hormone levels in your body.
Common Treatments for Low Sex Drive
As mentioned earlier, your libido can fluctuate your entire life. It should not be a significant concern if you are experiencing it for the first time. However, if a decreased sex drive affects your life significantly, you can do something to change it. If you are now wondering how to increase libido, men? Here are a few ways you can try.
Choose a Healthy Lifestyle
Your body needs to be fully nourished to perform basic everyday tasks. If you want your sex drive to thrive, you need to make sure you are eating right and following a healthy daily routine. Include fruits, vegetables, and healthy meats in your diets. A vegetarian diet can be perfect for your libido too. The vitamins and minerals found in your leafy greens can have a significant impact on your sex drive.
Additionally, make sure you are exercising regularly and sleeping right too. This will help you maintain a stable hormone level in your body. Besides, a little order in your daily routine can help you decrease your stress levels significantly too!
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Another popular way to get through your low sex drive is getting testosterone replacement therapy. This therapy includes introducing the male sex hormone testosterone in your body through external means.
This is performed on patients who have low testosterone levels in their bodies. It could be introduced via skin patches that diffuse the hormone directly into your bloodstream. You could also get yourself testosterone mouth patches, external gels, or even injections.
This therapy is not administered orally via pills. It is believed that the oral administration of testosterone can have adverse effects on the liver. So, it is not advised by doctors. Moreover, this process is costly and has many side effects on people. These side effects include benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH, prostate cancer, sleep apnea, and even blood clots.
Recent studies show that male enhancement pills are beneficial when it comes to curing low libido. These pills are packed with natural products that can help you amplify your sex drive naturally.
Hormone therapy is not safe and has a large number of side effects. At the same time, natural medicine like VigRX Plus has absolutely no side effects in men. You can take this pill and see the results for yourself over time.
VigRX Plus is made of 100% natural products and aims to improve libido in men naturally. It acts fast, and you will be able to see permanent results yourself. This sexual enhancement pill has clinically proven results, so you know it is worth a shot! Check out this recent independent VigRX Plus Review for the full lowdown.
Psychological distress is said to be one of the leading causes of a low sex drive in men. When you have something on your mind that has been bothering you for prolonged periods, you could use some outside help.
Mental stress and issues could manifest as physical problems like erectile dysfunction and a low sex drive over time. If you want to tackle these problems, you must try counseling. A trained professional can successfully get you out of your head. Counseling can also be very beneficial to overcome any sexual reservations!
Many things can affect your sex drive significantly. You will never have a common libido throughout your life. There will be instances where you feel like your sex drive is at an all-time low.
This could be a result of many lifestyle choices and external factors in your life. You must give yourself a break and try to get to the bottom of the situation so you can fix it. This way, when you do feel like you are facing issues with your libido, you will know how to tackle them.
If your libido has always been sub-par, it could be a hormonal defect. Be sure to consult with your doctor and take necessary actions. Remember, doctors can quickly fix a low libido. So, do not let anything come in the way of you and happy sex life!
If you need more information on Male enhancement, kindly visit our Guide page.
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